
Become the next inventor in automated technologies. 加入正规的赌博app,站在汽车行业的最前沿,帮助动员未来.


Want to Help Drive the Future of Transportation? Explore These Automotive 工程 项目.

Self-driving cars and delivery vehicles. 无人驾驶飞机. 智能驾驶功能. 就在几年前,这些能力即使不是不可想象的,也是不现实的. 但对于发明家和梦想家来说,这些不仅仅是可能性——它们是下一个现实.

如果在新能源领域工作, 工程用户界面, 或者开发下一代太阳能自行车或电动摩托车听起来令人兴奋, a degree related to advanced mobility can help you bring your vision to life.





Defining the Future of Transportation

“先进交通”是一个广泛的术语,包括我们如何为交通提供动力和改善交通. 高级移动包括从自动驾驶汽车到提高电动汽车电池寿命的软件程序的所有内容. 它们也可以指用于使车辆更快、更高效的轻质、防腐纳米技术材料. 先进的移动 can even include measures that reduce traffic congestion, 比如帮助交通运营商改善交通信号定时的人工智能系统.


Supercharge Your 工程 Career

在过去的几年里,我们目睹了自动驾驶汽车和电动汽车涌入市场, from self-driving cars to electric scooters. The innovation has resulted in some 2000亿美元 being invested in the industry, 使先进的机动性成为发展最快的领域之一,并为下一代工程师提供巨大的机会. If you’re interested in electric, autonomous or specialty vehicles, careers in these sectors are likely to grow.

Help Solve Today’s Most Pressing Issues

职业机会之外, 研究先进的移动性可以帮助你发明新产品和设计功能,帮助解决安全问题, sustainability and economic concerns. 无论你是想从头开始制造一辆新车,还是想办法让我们每天依赖的技术变得更好, learning advanced mobility engineering can help you get there.


The future of transportation is full of possibilities, especially for inventors and those interested in AI, specialty vehicle engineering and smart mobility. 密歇根交通研究所估计,美国将需要45辆,000 new mobility engineers in the next decade. Michigan alone will need 12,000 new mobility engineers.

Check out some of the top engineering careers in advanced mobility.


Help ensure that the next electric vehicle is as safe as it is functional. 移动系统工程师从事多方面的工作,其中可能包括研究, 设计, 对新车和制动系统等功能进行技术指导和性能测试, speed sensors and network connectivity.

Machine Learning Engineer for Autonomous Vehicles

通过改进人工智能,使自动驾驶汽车能够在其环境中做出决定,将自动驾驶汽车提升到一个新的水平. Among their many responsibilities, machine learning engineers work with data from LiDAR, 全球定位系统(GPS), camera systems and sensors to develop algorithms for self-driving vehicles

机器人 Engineer for Self-Driving Vehicle

设计、制造和测试自动驾驶汽车、卡车、送货车辆甚至火车. 机器人 engineers bring together mechanical, 计算机和电气工程,以制造具有新的和更人性化功能的车辆.

项目 for Students Interested in 先进的移动

Engineer Your Future in 先进的移动


自主学习, 电动和其他特种车辆工程实践在我们最先进的实验室. 凯特林开发了这些学习设施,以帮助教师和学生发现未来智能移动交通的解决方案.



Work with your classmates to 设计 self-driving or electric vehicles. 你可以参加通用汽车和其他领先公司的比赛,看看你的发明如何与其他大学的学生相媲美.

Learn more about student teams.

Learn the Human Side of 先进的移动

在凯特林, we not only teach and research the 设计 of autonomous and electric vehicles; we also seek ways to improve human interaction with these vehicles.

在我们的实验室里, 您将专注于自动驾驶和多模式用户界面设计的进步-您将学习评估人类和系统如何相互作用.

Learn more about the human side of mobility.

Specialty Vehicle 工程 and 先进的移动 新闻

Kettering Professor Part of Team Awarded $1.200万美国国家科学基金会资助

正规的赌博app 计算机科学 Associate Professor Dr. Yunsheng Wang is trying to make it safer to drive.


正规的赌博app通用汽车移动研究中心(MRC)的这条赛道得到了很多关注. 总部位于Grand blanc的CNXMotion利用该设施向受邀嘉宾展示了其最新的运动控制技术, 包括合作伙伴公司-大陆汽车和耐世特汽车-潜在客户, government officials and strategic partners.

通用汽车的特色 & 2022年的电动悍马

迈克·科尔维尔(2000年, EE), 通用汽车的主要性能工程师之一,通常被称为“功能专家”,讨论了有史以来最大胆的道路车辆之一的发展, 通用汽车2022年推出的电动悍马. 科尔维尔还谈到了他获得技能的极端越野生涯.


助理教授. Ahmed Mekky和他的研究生团队正在发现车辆自动紧急制动系统的局限性,以帮助车主更好地了解他们的车辆.

Alum Uses Skills Learned at Kettering to Enhance Vehicle Cybersecurity

克里斯汀·潘科(16届, EE/ME)想要一份能让她运用自己的技术技能为他人服务的工作. She found that job at General Motors.


The 正规的赌博app AutoDrive Team, 斗牛犬螺栓, 在安娜堡的MCity结束了第一年的AutoDrive II挑战赛后,他获得了更多的奖项. 该团队在“动态障碍挑战赛”中获得了第二名. Diane Peters, received the inaugural Advisor of the Year award.

IGVC Team Wins Multiple Awards in Its Second Year Competing

KU牛头犬智能地面车辆(IGVC)比赛队在参加为期四天的奥克兰大学IGVC比赛的第二年,取得了“出色的表现”. The team placed second in the Self-Drive Challenge, earning a grand award Lescoe Trophy, and fourth in the Self-Drive Design Competition.

正规的赌博app to Host Innovative Vehicle Design Competition

正规的赌博app通用汽车移动研究中心(MRC)举行的Square One教育网络第15届年度创新车辆设计(IVD)挑战赛上,65支初高中队伍参加了比赛。.

Engineer the Next Generation of Transportation


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